Physical Mail
Looking to reduce your carbon footprint and receive fewer catalogs in the mail? If you'd rather not receive our catalogs in the future, please visit this link to submit a request to be removed from our physical mailing list.
Looking to unsubscribe from emails from us about new arrivals, sales, and limited-edition releases? To unsubscribe, open the last email we sent you, scroll down to the bottom, and click the UNSUBSCRIBE button on the bottom left of the email. A new link will generate, then click UNSUBSCRIBE again. Please allow one week for the unsubscribe request to take effect as marketing campaigns are scheduled in advance. If you are still receiving emails after completing this process, please visit this link to submit a request to be removed from our email marketing list.
Looking to stop receiving text messages from us? Open the last text we sent you and reply STOP to unsubscribe from our SMS alerts. If you are still receiving texts after completing this process, please visit this link to submit a request to be removed from our digital marketing list.