If you no longer have your original packaging, you can still send back your gear with our prepaid label. Here are some guidelines to follow:
- You can reuse other shipping boxes if you no longer have the original - just make sure there are no holes and remove or cover any other labels first.
- Use the order number associated with the gear you are returning when generating your prepaid return label from our Returns Center. Mixing items from different orders with one label may delay processing.
- Can't fit everything from one order into one box? You will need multiple return labels if you are using multiple boxes. Our Returns Center will allow you to create different returns (and therefore different labels) if you are returning multiple items from one order and cannot fit them all in one box. To do this, select only the items that are going into your first box when creating your return. Then, repeat the process for the next box of items.
- Take your package with the prepaid label to either a FedEx or United States Postal Service (USPS) drop off location. We recommend FedEx when possible for the fastest service. UPS will not accept our prepaid labels.